13th Mon: Class, Disc Lib for ETR presentation on Weds
14th Tues: Disc for flash banner and preparation for ETR presentation15th Weds: ETR presentation, preparation for Flash Banner and Disc & preparation for Research presentation
16th Thurs: Present Comm research and disc for Marketing
17th Fri: Disc for Marketing and Disc for Flash Website
18th Sat: Editing for Audio & Video.
19th Sun: Disc for Marketing and Flash Website
20th Mon: preparation for Marketing and financial plan
21st Tues: Present marketing, Disc for Event Management and Disc Flash Website
22nd Weds: Presentation Event Management and Editing Audio Video
23rd Thurs: Presentation Flash Website and Editing Audio Video
24th Friday: Submit Audio Video.
25th Sat: Multimedia Final Test
26th Sun: Audio Video Final Test
(10s 4 da schedule rick)
Semua org pun sibuk y'allsss!!!
hahaha..no pro..hanye part 5 je yg faham..
same same
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